Massage Benefits for Golfers

Calling all golfers!  Did you know that therapeutic sports massage is a great way to improve your golf game? It’s true!  Golf massage concentrates on relaxing the back, hamstrings, hip flexors, shoulders, and wrists to create a bigger shoulder turn, better hip and back flexibility, and a more powerful torque and higher finish.  So, no matter your level of play - from avid golfer to the occasional player - massage for golfers is a great way to improve your game.

Benefits of Golf Massage 

Prevents Injuries.   

In golf, as with any other sport, there’s always a chance for injury.  Fortunately, massage is a great way to lower your risk.  Regular sessions can help reduce spasms and scar tissue and relieve trigger points.  When your muscles are relaxed, they are less likely to suffer strains or tears while playing.  In addition, your Tampa Bay Sports Massage therapist will also be able to detect small adhesions and work them out before becoming a serious issue.  

Improves Posture.   

When it comes to golf, good posture is critical for better performance.  Golf and fitness massage therapy can reduce the muscle tightness that causes postural imbalances, helping the body assume correct position.  Improved posture will not only improve your golf swing but also reduce the risk of elbow injuries –like the dreaded golf elbow - and tendonitis.  

Increases Range of Motion & Flexibility.  

Golfers often experience tightness in the forearms, shoulders, lower back, and hips due to overuse of playing.  Golf massage is effective at loosening and stretching stiff joints and muscles, thus creating a more fluid motion in the golf swing.  Regular massage, combined with daily stretching, will improve your range of motion and flexibility as well as increase your power and performance.   

Golf massage concentrates on relaxing the back, hamstrings, hip flexors, shoulders, and wrists to create a bigger shoulder turn, better hip and back flexibility, and a more powerful torque and higher finish.   

Pain Relief.   

It should come as no surprise, but the force and repetitive movement used in a golf swing can result in muscle soreness and spasms – both of which can be extremely painful.  Deep tissue massage therapy can help lengthen and relax the contracted muscle and provide much-needed relief to soreness.   

Improves Circulation.   

Another great benefit to golf massage is its ability to improve blood flow around the body.  Good circulation helps prevent the buildup of toxins in the muscles, which left untreated, can cause muscle pain and stiffness.   

The rhythmic strokes and pressure used in massage releases the accumulation of toxins and helps oxygenated blood get to your sore muscles, allowing them to recover faster.   

Improves Mental Focus.   

In every sport, mental toughness always plays a role. When that key putt is on the line, too much stress, anxiety, and pressure can negatively affect your game and cause you to lose focus.  

Stress can also result in the involuntary clenching of muscles, which is counterproductive for golfers who need their swing to be as fluid as possible. Massage therapy is a great way to relax your mind, thus helping your muscles and improving your overall game. 

Is There a Time I Shouldn’t Get a Golf Massage?  

Great question! Our South Tampa massage therapists generally recommend you book your golf massage at least 48 hours prior to tee time.  If you book an appointment too close to playing, you could be too sore to play, or your muscles won’t perform at their best.   

Close to tee time? Try a standing forward bend stretch. Golfers can try this stretch before hitting the links, putting green, or in between holes as needed.  

Here’s how to make the most of the stretch: 

  • Standing up straight (chin up!) feet together with your shoulders relaxed. 

  • Reach arms behind your back and interlock fingers. 

  • Lift your shoulders towards your ears and lift your hands away from the back. 

  • Slowly bend forward at the waist. Your back should be flat, not rounded. 

  • As far as your body allows, bend forward and lift your hands above your head as far forward as comfortable. 

  • Hold for 10-20 seconds and release. 

  • Repeat two to three times. 

When in a full standing forward bend stretch, you may feel slight tension in your hamstrings and/or in your shoulders. If the tension is too much, reduce the angle of your back. Don’t extend beyond your ability. With proper form, you can release tension in your back and shoulders so you can get back in alignment for your golf strokes. 

Pro tip: If you need extra support/balance, put your club to good use so the stretch looks more like this... 

Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

Massage for Golfers

As you can see, there are many benefits of golf massage. Feel the difference that golf and fitness massage at Tampa Bay Sports & Medical Massage can make for your game! To speak with a specialist, call us at (813) 667-0988. We’re happy to answer your massage questions. Of course, questions are welcome during your session too; book your appointment for a golf sports massage today!