Hip Flexor Stretches

It's all in the hips.” -Happy Gilmore 

Hip flexors are a group of muscles near the top of our thighs that allow us to walk, kick, bend, and swivel our hips. They are major players in the movement of our lower bodies, and if these muscles are tight or moved the wrong way, they can easily stretch or tear. Hip flexor strains range from mild pain to having difficulties walking, muscle spasms, and severe pain. Stretching can help you reduce your chance for hip flexor injury. Keep reading for several stretches that will keep your hip flexors loose and help prevent injury!  

The Standing Stretch 

  1. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your toes forward.  

  2. Next, bend your right knee and bring your right heel up towards your buttock.  

  3. Hold your right foot with the right hand and gently pull your knee so that it is pointed towards the floor. Hold on to a chair with your left hand for balance.   

  4. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat with your other leg.  

The Active Stretch 

  1. Place a chair in front of you with the seat facing you. Next stand on your left foot with the toes slightly turned inward. Place your right foot on the edge of the seat.   

  2. Hold your arms straight out at chest level.  

  3. Slowly raise your arms up as you squeeze your buttocks and gently push your pelvis forward. As you do this, your left leg will straighten and the bend in your right knee with deepen. You should feel the stretch in the front of your left hip.  

  4. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat with your other leg.  

The Kneeling Stretch 

  1. Grab a yoga mat or find a soft surface. Kneel with your left knee on the floor and your right leg at a 90-degree angle in front of you.  

  2. Gently place both hands on your right knee, keeping your back straight.  

  3. With your left knee pressed to the floor, lean forward into your right hip while squeezing the muscles in your left buttocks.  

  4. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat with your other leg.  

The Supine Stretch  

  1.  Again, find a soft surface or grab your yoga mat. Next lie on your back with your legs straight and toes pointing towards the ceiling.  

  2. Keep your right leg straight on the floor, bend your left knee so your left foot is flat on the floor, and then lace your fingers behind your left knee.  

  3. Pull your left knee towards your chest keeping your back, hips, and right leg on the floor.  

  4. Exhale and pull your left knee closer towards your chest.   

  5. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.  

 The Seated Stretch 

  1. Sit slightly sideways on the edge of a chair keeping your back straight, both feet on the floor, and your knees bent.  

  2. Slide your right foot back and lower your right knee close to the floor. Your leg should be bent at a 90-degree angle with your right knee underneath your right hip. Keep your left foot on the floor.  

  3. Tighten your buttocks and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other side.  


Pro Tip: This one is a great stretch to do if you’re stuck at a desk all day.  

Preventing Injury 

When stretching just isn’t enough to relieve hip flexor strain, schedule a sports massage at Tampa Bay Sports & Medical Massage. Our top-rated licensed massage therapists will customize your massage to help relieve pain and improve mobility.  

Say goodbye to hip flexor pain; make an appointment at our South Tampa massage office conveniently located on Kennedy Boulevard today. 

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